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About Us

SLP Entertainment was founded in 2017 by Colin Taylor. Legally it wasn't formed until 2022. We are a production company located in Buffalo, NY with a desire to make others and ourselves laugh, tell stories with just enough heart to not be made fun of, and above all to make our middle-school selves proud.

Colin Taylor - Creative Director / Writer / Editor

"When people ask me what I do I tell them I am living my dream. Living with my parents while 24 years old, working part-time at a movie theater, and making stupid movies with my best friend. Then they ask me if I need therapy."

Louie Visone - Executive Producer / Writer / Actor

"Being raised on Cartoon Network and YouTube, fathered by Adultswim, and having attended a small Christian school for years, don't I make a lot more sense as a person now? Welp. At least the picture is much more clear."



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